Committed to the well-being of your best friend

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Hello, I am Juan Carlos Rodríguez, passionate about dogs, especially breeds like the Bull Mastiff and the Boston Terrier. Over the years, I have dedicated my life to teaching and educating these wonderful animals, and I have had the privilege of competing in several national level championships.

For me, being a dog sitter goes beyond just walking dogs. It's about understanding the specific needs of each breed and each individual dog. I know our friends' secrets, from their energy to their temperament, and adapt my care and training to meet their requirements.

For me, being a dog sitter is a calling. I enjoy seeing the progress and growth of my students, and it gives me satisfaction to know that I am contributing to improving their quality of life. Every Bull Mastiff and Boston Terrier that trains with me not only becomes a well-behaved dog, but also a loyal and happy companion.

My experience in national competitions has taught me a lot about dog behavior and how to establish a deep connection with my furry friends. Through observation and understanding of dogs' body language, I can anticipate their needs and offer them the appropriate support at all times.

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Where every day is a happy game

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Nuestros Perros de Competición

Nos enorgullece compartir que nuestros perros no solo son compañeros excepcionales, sino también campeones reconocidos en múltiples competencias caninas.

Nuestros perros han participado en diversos concursos nacionales e internacionales, demostrando su excelente conformación, temperamento y habilidades. Nos esforzamos por entrenar y preparar a nuestros perros para que se destaquen en diversas categorías.

Informe médico


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